Broomriding Purpose

Wikkan Broomriding

Broomriding plays an important part in Wikkan religion. Witches and wizards meet four time a year for their solar festivities. If the weather allows - which is nearly all the time, because there are means to influence it, but you need a special permission - a big bonfire is part of the feast and witches and wizards ride on their brooms above it.

Now, this religious broomriding is quite different from broomriding that Rinaku Broomstick teaches.

First of all, witches/wizards ride with the BRISTLES in front and not the handle. From the aerodynamic point of view, this does not make much sense, but it's an old tradition and religious people say it's much more fun and much more effective whatever magical purposes they perform the broomride for. Besides, they argue, there's enough place in front of the witch for the cat to sit or for the owl or raven to land while she's flying. Consider this convenience when deciding for against Wikkan broomriding.

The next big difference is the start. It's made by jumping into the hot air above the fire, which helps to lift broom and rider up by means of the magical fire's buoyancy. As long as the witch or wizard doesn't leave the warm air, there's always an updraft which keeps the broom and its rider floating softly far above the earth.

Once in the air the rider - and this is the third difference - no longer has to deal with the cold air, with gusts of winds, air pockets or colliding air masses, because the magical fire forms a warm and sheltered hall-like space overhead.

You see, the serious difficulties fall away and what remains is broomriding per se and the experience of circle dancing with religious friends.

If by chance you meet a pitchfork flyer at a Wikkan festivity, you should be very pleased. Riding this instrument is one of the oldest customs of Wikkan broomriding, and it's so rare that it is often said to have died out entirely. Seeing a pitchfork flyer riding above the solistice fire, an old saying says, brings luck in domestic affairs, while seeing one above an equinox fire increases fertility. If the rider is a man, in both cases an opportunity for a positive change in your income will occur. Keep both your eyes open not to miss it!

Very often, an International Broomdancers Meeting takes place at or close to the Wikkan feasts. It usually consists of a lecture and demonstration of new techniques and inventions, an exposition of the most recent broom models and equipments, a competition, where the best broomriders of any grade can show their skills and compete with others, and a festival, where people meet for music and decent food.

The most common Wikkan feasts are Solistices and Equinoxes, which are:

Also, if you ever have a chance to participate at a Walpurgis Night in Germany, Austria, the Tzech Republic and German speaking parts of Switzerland, don't miss it. It takes place at April 30.

For further information go to pages like,, manitoba, and others.

Broomriding for Health

In non-religious broomriding, no one asks you to change your name, to adopt a new personality, to reprogram your inner self or to find your own goddess. Far from it! What you need are technical skills, a feeling for the air and the weather, and loads of practical exercises that are extremely healthy in many ways.

Rinaku Broomstick himself is living proof for of the healthy effects of broomriding. He was stricken by a badly focussed spell in his childhood. For years, he suffered from constant, serious head aches. His parents ran from doctor to doctor, but no remedy was to be found. Even outwitching and countercursing didn't help. But then an old warlock, a friend to the family, advised Rinaku's parents to send the poor boy to additional broomriding classes. It worked. Not that the head aches disappeared forever, but as long as he's doing his daily broomriding exercises, they are bearable.

The fresh air, the freedom and silence up in the winds, the riding, balancing, dancing, acrobatic movements, the fun and laughter, the challenge to conquer the winds ... Rinaku Broomstick is convinced that broomriding and all its different techniques are extremely healthy.


Rinaku Broomstick joined The Broomdancers, the famous international performing group, and earned his living by performing with them while studying Aerodynamics, Physics and Wikkan Antropology at the wizarding universities of Budapest and Edinburgh.

After passing the broomriding teacher exams, Rinaku Broomstick opened his Broomriding School, where he met a new challenge: teaching his beloved skill to everyone who like to learn it. There are quite a few children and adults on whose physical health the broomriding lessons have positive effects.

Rinaku Broomstick's Broomriding School has graduated a lot of pupils, some of them are now teachers at other schools. Rinaku Broomstick never teaches religious broomriding, but rather broomriding as a healthy physical activity and as a challenge to conquer the winds and the physical limits of the human body which isn't supposed to fly.

Do you want to try out the positive effects broomriding has on your personality? Join one of our classes. See and feel for yourself!